Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Challenge *Day 29*

Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days

I am going to start off by hoping that the next 365 days are good ones. I hope that everyone has good health and is happy. That is the most important thing in and happiness, I do not care what anyone else says. 

For me, I hope that my insurance approves me gastric bypass in Oct, so that I can go ahead with my November 1st surgery date. After that I just hope to get healthy from there on out...and of course buy some cute ass outfits for my soon to be thin self. Hey, I can be selfish once in awhile. 

In Feb my son is going to turn 3. I hope that he has a good year starting preschool and I hope that this momma doesn't cry a lot on his first day...who am I kidding I am going to be a wreck.

All in all...all my readers will follow me through all these times and more, I hope to continue my blog and make a martini mama community. This might just be a free blogger blog for now...but just wait ladies....I promise to keep growing and build on it! :) Love my readers!

1 comment:

Scary Mommy said...

My two youngest when through "Fuck!" phases. Painful (and hilarious) as it was, just ignoring it really was the best thing to do. Every time I got upset, it only egged them on and backfired. It's hard, though, I know!!