Friday, September 3, 2010

Challenge *Day 3*

What is your favorite book?

This was a hard question to answer because there are so many good books that I have read. I really did think about this all night because I didn't want to give credit to a book/author that wasn't in my eyes "the best." I had to go to my first choice, this is an author that when someones asks me about a book, I know I can always recommend this series and I feel that I didn't point them in the wrong direction. I have been a fan of this author since she brought out her first book in her series. The winning author... Michele Martinez. 

"Most Wanted" was the book that got my attention first. When you want to read a suspense filled, mystery, with a bit of love...this is the book that should come to mind. Melanie Vargas is the main character. She is a mom and ambitious New York prosecutor. She is involved in a high profile case of a burning townhouse....and inside....the burned body of a wealthy former prosecutor! I am telling you, you will not want to put this book down. Not only are you trying to figure out this murder case, you are trying to figure out what Melanie will do with her is just an all around good book. Michele writes this book and it is easy to follow and read...she caught me with this book and seriously, wait patiently for the next books! 

If you read this book, please come back and tell me how you like it...and if you like it...check out the other books in this collection. I am telling you, you will be as hooked as I am. 


1 comment:

Susie B. Homemaker said...

I have actually never heard of this author but am now going to have to check out her books from the library. I love a good suspense/mystery book. :)