I know I have not been keeping up with blogging, life has been busy...which means I should be blogging more since I have a bazillion things going on....I promise I will be get back into it. I am really trying to make a schedule.
Let me start off by asking this question.
When do Birthdays for our little ones get easier? Do they ever?
My Xavier is turning 3 today and every time I think about it I cry. I think this is harder for me then his 1st Birthday. On his first Birthday I did not have to think about sending him to preschool, him leaving his mommy for the day...I just got to smother him with kisses...and him not wiping them off after wards. Do I miss that little boy? Yes. Am I proud of the little man he is growing up to be? Yes. I just wish I knew how to find that common middle ground as a mother so I can be happy that his Birthday is today, rather then sad. I LOVE YOU XAVIER!!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
3 year old with an iPod touch? hmmm.....
Xavier is going to be turning 3 this year. Wow, I have a month of the terrible 2's before we get into the terrifying 3's. Lucky me, he has been giving me a preview. I just am so excited to see the main show! (shutter) Andrew and I have been debating what to get this little monster (seriously he isn't that bad...just has moments) for his birthday. Let me go back a few months...
We tell this to some people and they look at us as if we are crazy and we have 3 heads. We tell this to other people and they think it is a super idea. I get the "he is going to expect gifts like that every year" and I get the "he is going to break it." Seriously, the kid takes care of his stuff. He will throw his action figures, but when it comes to electronics and his games he means business. Then I think, he is our one and only child. Ever. Why not give him things? We have the money to do it, why not? It isn't like he is going to have full range of stuff on there and I am just going to let him go wild. He would still be limited and mommy and daddy would be the only ones with the password to get him new games.
Thoughts? Is he too young to have one of these? Are we out of our minds? I need feedback, because I have no other ideas on what to get this boy for his 3rd birthday!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Combining blogs/making a website.
I feel like such a horrible blogger, I really do. I love blogging...I love logging pictures of my family, and I love bitching about things that I need to get off my chest. The problem? I never have time to do it. I look up to all these mommy bloggers that have these wonderful stories and funny sites. They always have time to sit down and write. I have one question for everyone...HOW? I have another blog. I have been updating that one more because my weight loss is coming along well (almost down 50lbs) so I have been over there blogging like crazy. I really miss my mommy blog. I would love to make a website that I can have both....a blog and website for mommies that are needing a martini and want to lose weight. I am going to do it. YES YOU READ CORRECTLY. I have soo many ideas and things that I want to share. The problem...I do not even know where to start. I NEED HELP!
SOO....everyone that has their own URL and website and all that fun junk, I need help. Please give me your advice, the cheap places to go, and anything else you want to tell me. Please share all your lovely little secrets because this is something that I want to make a hobby and fun for me since I love love love writing. I have ideas mama's but I do not know where to start. I would love some advice.
Thank you ladies.
Now back to studying ....I swear this is all I do anymore! :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas is almost here!
Our tradition is to go over to my inlaws for Christmas Eve. Everyone gathers over there for little snacks and appetizers and just enjoy everyone's company. Then we come home, get the boy to bed, I clean up the living room and put presents out. The next morning I get up and get ready (early before everyone wakes up) that way I am ready for our busy day. When my hubby and Xavier wake up PRESENTS. Then we go back to my inlaws to exchange gifts, then off to my mom and dads! EEK! I just can't even write about it without getting so excited.
What is everyone else doing for Christmas? Anyone have any fun traditions? Tell them! I love to hear about everyone's holidays!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
House of Sickness....please go away!

So as I sit here and watch him, getting ready to run to catch things in the "bucket" haha....I am trying to make a list of other stuff I need for last minute Christmas shopping. I need to get to Target just for some odds and ends. Like little things to put in with gifts, and stuff like that. I feel bad because my dad and Andrew's step dad got little gifts, so I want to get them like some mixed nuts or something to go with it. We put more money towards "Santa" this year because Xavier really understands and is excited. Now we have to be very careful with our money. I can not wait until income tax time comes that way we will have money in savings again to fall back on. This always ends up being our "short" time of year and it drives me crazy since this is when I need the money money. I do not know why I let this happen every year. This year we are really short though, it is making me sick and crazy. We will get through though. I got this. I hope. HA!
Other then all this stress I have been doing good with my new tummy. Nothing wants to stay in it the past few days, but other then that I have been doing good. I have lost like 40 some pounds, so I feel good. I am kinda stalling this week with it but I think it is because nothing will stay down except liquids. I know I need to keep eating what I can for meals, but it is easier said then done. I am sure that will be over soon enough and things will start getting back to normal and the weight will start falling off again. I went down 3 pants sizes so I know something is happening. I never thought I would be soo happy to be in size 18's again. Now onto my goal of 8's. I hope I can do it!
Okay, back to watching the boy and play "catch the puke" when I see him burp! FUN TIMES!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
This mama is back!
First I would like to apologize to my readers for just up and disappearing. I feel bad, but if you follow me on my weight loss blog "Fat Girl File" you will know where I went. If not, I will update everyone now!
I have mentioned in the past I was working on my 6 month journey to get Gastric Bypass surgery. Well, that is where I went. The past month or so have been crazy.I have been going to doctors appointments and getting tests done before surgery and then submitting to insurance to get the surgery approved. Let me tell you, this past month has been filled with many many many mixed emotions. Well, I had surgery on November 1st, and I am doing wonderful. I was on a liquid sugar free diet for the first 10 days, and let me tell you I was one miserable bitch. For those that do not understand this surgery, they made my stomach the size of the top of your thumb. I do not feel hunger either...so I am losing weight. Believe me, I didn't rush into this, this is life changing for me since this is now my life. I didn't do this just to be a skinny hot mama, I did this because I started having health effects from my weight. I had so many steps and am still learning, but wow do I feel better. I am already down over 20 lbs and my energy level is sky rocketing. Not only my energy level, but my sex drive is back in full force too! I do not know where it came from but my husband is one happy man! haha.
I go into greater detail on my other blog, so feel free to follow me over there, I want this blog to be my mommy blog and I do not want it to be over come with my weight story too. I would much rather blog about mommying and bitching over here. It is just more fun!
I just wanted to say that I didn't forget about this site...I love my blog and will continue to grow. I will be updating a lot more now that I am fully back and finally getting myself organized!
I have mentioned in the past I was working on my 6 month journey to get Gastric Bypass surgery. Well, that is where I went. The past month or so have been crazy.I have been going to doctors appointments and getting tests done before surgery and then submitting to insurance to get the surgery approved. Let me tell you, this past month has been filled with many many many mixed emotions. Well, I had surgery on November 1st, and I am doing wonderful. I was on a liquid sugar free diet for the first 10 days, and let me tell you I was one miserable bitch. For those that do not understand this surgery, they made my stomach the size of the top of your thumb. I do not feel hunger either...so I am losing weight. Believe me, I didn't rush into this, this is life changing for me since this is now my life. I didn't do this just to be a skinny hot mama, I did this because I started having health effects from my weight. I had so many steps and am still learning, but wow do I feel better. I am already down over 20 lbs and my energy level is sky rocketing. Not only my energy level, but my sex drive is back in full force too! I do not know where it came from but my husband is one happy man! haha.
I go into greater detail on my other blog, so feel free to follow me over there, I want this blog to be my mommy blog and I do not want it to be over come with my weight story too. I would much rather blog about mommying and bitching over here. It is just more fun!
I just wanted to say that I didn't forget about this site...I love my blog and will continue to grow. I will be updating a lot more now that I am fully back and finally getting myself organized!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
i will not call the insurance company....
I am using my "I will not call the insurance company to see if I am approved for surgery" as a tool to get my house in order. I refuse to call them today...even though I am trying to find every excuse to call them...HA...so I am cleaning. Cleaning like a mad women to keep my mind off things. I am just going crazy.
I go for my pre-op appointment on Friday. I am excited...the only thing I am not exciting about is driving there by myself. I hate the location of the hospital I am going to be in, and this is going to be the first time I drive near there completely by myself (of course with Xavier in the car...which makes me even more nervous.) I just want to hear "approved" so I can get on with my life.
I totally want to be able to relax this weekend because next weekend would be the weekend before surgery and there is no way I am doing any relaxing then. I just hope I hear something soon....really soon....before they have to commit me...then I am sure they won't approve me! AHHHH......!
Okay, Let me get on with this cleaning and hopefully I will hear something...or else I am going to have the cleanest house in the world....and that will not be a bad thing!
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