Thursday, September 2, 2010

Challenge *Day 2*

Challenge Day 2: Favorite Movie

This is a hard one for me because I am not a movie person. I mean, I watch them but I am picky. I love lifetime movies. I know, I know, some people laugh at that. I could spend a whole day curled up on the couch watching good lifetime movies. I don't like the "love" ones, I like the ones with a lot of drama. What is my favorite Life Time movie? I would have to say the "Sex and the Single Mom" series. There are 2 movies, and I love them. I have seen them a few times.

I love murder mystery and Horror also. When I say horror movies, I like really really scary ones. The ones that when I wake up in the middle of the night and have to pee but I am too scared to get out of bed. Those are rare to watch, and I can't even think of any off the top of my head that have done that to me lately...but those are the ones that I like.

Chic Flick....those are another favorite. Some people might put these in the class of "lifetime" movies but I don't. I would have to say my favorite Chic Flick movie would have to be....hmmmm.....SEX AND THE CITY 1 & 2 OF COURSE!  Do I need to say anymore?! Now those are what I am talking about when I say Chic Flick. I love to read it also. Anything that has to do with a women living in NYC or a big city....I live it out through them! HA!

Stay tune for tomorrows post....


1 comment:

Susie B. Homemaker said...

I'm one of those that laughs at Lifetime movies. :D And I can't watch really, really scary movies... I'm too chicken. :p